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Mintec has an experienced data driven Intelligence team with strong research skills and knowledge across a wide range of markets. We will bring you top stories covering categories such as Dairy, Nuts, Grains, Meat and much more.

/Top stories

Growing concerns as Spanish olive oil stocks decline in August report

Growing concerns as Spanish olive oil stocks decline in August report

Extension of import ban considered on Ukrainian agricultural products to Poland

In a recent announcement and a follow-up to a story published by...

September USDA WASDE less bullish than expected for soybeans

In the September WASDE report, the USDA cut its estimate for US...

US 2023/24 soybean yield and ending stocks expected lower ahead of WASDE report

Ahead of the USDA WASDE report, to be released on 12th September...

Ukraine exports agricultural commodities from Croatian ports

Ukraine exports agricultural commodities from Croatian ports A...

Mintec Video Update: Early Sunflower Harvests Surprise Market Players

Mintec Video Update: Early Sunflower Harvests Surprise Market...

Security concerns rise after coordinated drone attack on Ukrainian ports

Security concerns rise after coordinated drone attack on Ukrainian...

US soybean crop conditions fall by 5 p.p on sustained dry weather

The latest US Crop Progress Report highlighted a 5 percentage point...

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