Webinar: How are the North American vegetable oil markets reacting to estimated record-breaking crops and other key market drivers?

October 21, 2022

1 mins read

North American oil buyers must be wary of vegetable oil price movements. The edible oil markets look likely to remain volatile due to many areas of concern. Biodiesel mandates, Brazilian production, supply & demand and macro movements are all factors which are likely to have an effect on these markets.

The Brazilian soybean harvest will begin in January 2023. Planting has already begun although excessive rain has slowed the progress in some regions. Mintec will discuss the current estimates and suggest how these are likely impact the vegetable oil complex. The size of the Brazilian crop is critical as it is a key competitor to the North American soy crop and a better-than-expected or conversely worse-than-expected production from Brazil can swing the vegetable oil markets wildly.

Furthermore, the webinar will deep dive into the other key oils such as palm, sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil discussing key drivers for these respective oils as well as the continued impacts of the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Join Mintec’s Kyle Holland on Wednesday 7th December at 10am EST. Kyle speaks to participants within the market on a daily basis to enhance understanding of key pricing information . There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask Kyle questions about what the impacts of these harvests will mean directly for their strategies.




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