Webinar: C-Suite and Procurement Strategies

January 24, 2023

1 mins read

Commodity pricing decisions have an enterprise-wide impact. They are most successful with C-suite knowledge and support.

Many large companies miss out on saving themselves considerably on their costs by not taking ownership of risk from a price perspective. Usually, the senior figures behind these businesses will not be aware of the potential increase in profit margins that they are missing out on.

Join this webinar to enhance your understanding of how the senior members within your company can work with the procurement team in order to cut costs, avoid risks and increase profits.

The key takeaways from this webinar will be: 
- How to be aware of price risk
- How to prepare for price risk when buying
- Strategies to avoid price exposure
- What the C-suite and procurement team can do to work together effectively

Mintec's Chief Analyst, Tom Bundgaard, will be joined by Bill Hovis, former CPO for Coca-Cola, for this webinar on Thursday 2nd March at 10am EST. If you are unable to attend live, you should still register here so you are sent the replay!


Topics: Procurement

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