Webinar: 2023 - The most challenging year for procurement?

November 1, 2022

1 mins read

2022 is providing different challenges for procurement professionals. Many commodities have risen to all-time high prices due to factors such as Russian-Ukraine conflict, rising energy prices and climate change.

Will 2023 be even more challenging? Join us on Tuesday 22nd November for a webinar where we will discuss:

1) The future buying risks in procurement

2) How to manage product shortages

3) Geo-political turmoil

4) Increasing pressure to address environmental issues

5) How to gain transparency within supply chains


This webinar will help procurement executives find the best ways they can control costs, minimize risk and avoid purchasing mistakes for the year ahead. There will also be a chance for a live Q&A with the presenters. Read more and view the replay here.


Peter SmithPeter Smith - ex CPO and CIPS Past President and author of procurement books. 

Momcilo OrlandicMomcilo Orlandic - Senior Procurement Leader for brewing giant Colson Moors Europe.View Replay


Topics: Procurement

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