Mintec Pricing Update - 5 September

September 5, 2022

2 mins read


•At the close of trading last week, market sentiment in the milling wheat market was BULLISH.
•Wheat prices found support from the further escalation in the Black Sea region, which created uncertainty in the market as it meant risks for the grain corridor. In addition, the wheat market was supported by the rising corn and fertiliser prices.
The Mintec Benchmark Prices [MBP] for Wheat Milling 11% DDP Rouen FR [Mintec Code: WROF] was assessed at €329.00/mt, up 4% week-on-week (w-o-w).


•At the close of trading last week, market sentiment in the rapeseed oil market was BEARISH.
•Prices in the FOB Rotterdam rapeseed oil market moved down as harvest pressure weighed on spot prices.
The Mintec Benchmark Prices [MBP] for Rapeseed Oil Spot FOB Rotterdam [Mintec Code: RSOR] were assessed at €1,429.50 /mt, down 5% on the week.


•At the close of trading last week, market sentiment in the cashew market was NEUTRAL.
•The cashew market was reported to be quiet this week with limited activity.
The Mintec Benchmark Prices for Cashew Nut W320 FOB Vietnam [1Y11] were last assessed at $2.70/lb, unchanged on the week.


•At the close of trading last week, market sentiment in the dairy market was BULLISH.
•Buying interest was reported as consistent across the European market. While the demand side remains robust, supply continues to be limited.
The assessment for Unsalted Butter EXW European Union [Mintec Code: J116] was made at €7,150/mt, up 2% week-on-week.


•At the close of trading last week, market sentiment in the pork market was BULLISH.
•Declining availability of life pigs has supported prices. With fewer pigs ready for slaughter, supply has declined in key producing regions, such as Germany, France, and Poland.
The Mintec Benchmark Prices for Pig Deadweight Grade S EXW Europe [Mintec Code: BW56] were assessed at €2.07/kg on 30 August, up €0.05/kg on the week. 

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