This webinar will prepare attendees for what to expect in the meat and poultry supply chains for the first six months of 2023. Global disruptions such as climate, disease and varying production rates have created obstacles for meat and poultry traders throughout 2022. Market participants are largely unsure if 2023 will have a similar level of challenge but Mintec will aim to provide clarity in this webinar.
A comprehensive roundup and market expectations will be given for pork, beef and chicken.
This webinar will provide valuable information to stay ahead of the curve when planning purchases. Attendees will be able to find the best ways they can control costs, minimize risk and avoid mistakes for the year ahead. There will also be a chance for a live Q&A with the presenters. Read more and register here.
Rutika Ghodekar - Senior Market Analyst - Mintec
Sandro Schulz - Dairy & Pork Analyst - Mintec