Algeria adopts new halal regulation requirement

June 14, 2023

1 mins read

According to an Algerian government statement issued earlier today, all dairy product shipments entering Algeria must be accompanied by a halal certificate. This certificate must be issued or endorsed by the Grande Mosque de Paris, or a certification agency approved by the Grande Mosque de Paris. This halal regulation is in place as of 14th June and applies to shipments that have been dispatched or are currently being shipped. Shipments that have not yet passed through Algerian customs will also be subject to the new requirement. 

One market source commented, “we have been surprised by this change in regulations; we have several shipments on the way to Algeria, which now all require the halal certification. Depending on how quickly the certifications can be issued. This is not only a problem for the big tenders but also for smaller volumes moving into Algeria, as our clients need products as well to maintain their production.”

Mintec will continue to monitor the situation and publish further updates if additional information is available. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me. 

Topics: Dairy & Eggs
Sandro Schulz
Sandro Schulz
EMEA Protein Team Lead

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