17,000+ collected and curated, independent food commodity prices & market data for raw materials used in manufacturing.
Your connection to the global animal nutrition and feed industry, and the world’s only price reporting and news agency aligned to IOSCO guidelines exclusively for animal nutrition.
The original agri-food price reporting agency providing exclusive data for the red meat, poultry, eggs, seafood and plant protein markets.
Exclusive country-level supply and demand forecasts for grain, oilseeds, animal feed, biofuel and malting barley sectors. Informs purchasing, trading and risk management strategies across global markets.
Providing detailed information on each and every frozen waterborne shipment of red meat and seafood entering the United States.
Tropical Research Services collects, collates and analyses, research and data for tropical commodity products, including coffee, cocoa, sugar, cane ethanol, tropical oils and tropical grains and oilseeds.
Where the protein industry’s most influential members go to network, learn, and advance their professional development.
The annual meeting point for senior leaders from across the global feed / feed additives sector to gather, network with peers and learn.
A year-round programme of activities and meetings designed to promote inclusion and diversity across our amazing industry.
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