The Mintec Forecast Service delivers comprehensive analysis and clear hedging recommendations that enables our company to make data-driven decisions.
Mintec Analytics provides commodity price data on over 17,000 series, 500+ forecasts, and expert market analysis. Considered the ultimate market intelligence tool for leaders in the agri-food, industrial, and financial markets, see for yourself how benchmark pricing data offers you a competitive edge by requesting your free trial today.
Mintec Analytics provides commodity price data, forecasts, and market intelligence to help make informed decisions that increase profitability, reduce risk, and drive efficiency. Whether you're a procurement professional, market analyst, or investor, our unique data and tools are all you need to stay ahead of the curve.
The Mintec Forecast Service delivers comprehensive analysis and clear hedging recommendations that enables our company to make data-driven decisions.
Because Mintec is respected in the industry, we can use their data to inform conversations with suppliers, sales teams and customers.
Mintec provided the data, insight, forecasting that delivered accurate reliable and repeatable results that revolutionised the way the business conducted planning and responded to change.
Strengthen your negotiating power with suppliers by leveraging our commodity price data (now available on over 17,000 series)
Mitigate risk while navigating the impact of market volatility with our trusted commodity price forecasts
Receive regular insights and reports from industry experts detailing the current cost drivers in the market
Visualize the breakdown of your product costs